记者:据报道,中国军队近期与坦桑尼亚、莫桑比克军队举行了“和平团结-2024”联合演习。请发言人进一步介绍此次联演的有关情况。Question: It is reported that recently, the Chinese...
路透社记者:菲律宾军方领导人称,他已停止同中国军方领导人的沟通,目前正同中国外交部进行沟通。你能否证实?Reuters: The Philippines’ military chief has said that he has cease...
如果我们在英语里直接用"I want",就会显得我们在没礼貌的提要求。所以我们可以说"I'd like... ",或者"Could I have...please?" please close the door 大家别看这里虽然加了please,但依...
Making a mistake is okay (within reason) as long as you’re humble enough to say you’re sorry and accept personal responsibility. Refusing to admit your mistakes, however,...
1 Could/ Would you do me a favor?could这个词常常用于询问和请求,听起来比简单粗暴的can有礼貌得多,而“Would you do me a favor?”是更加正式的表达。这两种问句用于话题开始,询...
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